The Meebits NFT collection is the latest project from Larva Lab, the creator of Cryptopunks and Autoglyphs. Meebits are 20,000 unique 3D characters registered on the Ethereum blockchain as NFTs. The collection went live on May 3rd, 2021. 11,000 Meebits were reserved for CryptoPunks and Autoglyphs owners, and the remaining 9,000 were released in a public sale following a Dutch auction format starting at 2.5 ETH (approx. 8,500 USD). The collection sold out on its first day of trading with the cheapest Meebit selling for 2.4 ETH (approx. 8,160 USD). Within the first month of the collection release, a few Meebits were sold for more than $1 million.
There are various marketplaces for buying and selling Meebits and other NFTs. The most popular one is OpenSea also provides APIs that can be used to easily download NFT transactions and other types of data in a structured format.
In this tutorial, we will use Python and OpenSea API to download and analyze the transactions related to Meebits. We will start in section 1 with a short introduction to NFTs, Larva Lab, and Meebits. In section 2, we will cover how to download Meebits transactions using python and OpenSea API, and we will analyze the data with the goal of understanding sales trends and the behavior of some of the sellers and owners of Meebits.
This blog post is also available as a Jupyter notebook.
1. A short introduction to NFTs, Larva Lab, and Meebits¶
In this section, we will cover briefly NFTs, introduce Larva Labs and their importance in the NFT ecosystem, and close with an overview of the Meebits project. For a deep dive into NFTs, I recommend my blog post: A Practical Introduction to NFTs using Solidity and Legos.
1.1. A Crash Course in NFTs¶
NFT stands for non-fungible tokens. A fungible good is a good whose individual units are essentially interchangeable [1]. A currency, for example, is fungible since every 2 units of any currency are interchangeable. A non-fungible good is a good that it's unique and can't be replaced with something else. A non-fungible token is a unit of data on a blockchain, that represents a unique item. NFTs can represent any digital file or digital assets such as items in virtual worlds, domain names, collectibles, and digital art, just to name a few. The Ethereum blockchain is the most popular blockchain used for NFTs, but it’s not the only one.
In 2012, Yoni Assia published an article titled “bitcoin 2.X (aka Colored Bitcoin) — initial specs”. In the article, he introduced the concept of Colored Coins which are tokens associated with real assets and managed by the Bitcoin blockchain. Even though he didn’t use the word “non-fungible token” in the article, colored coins are considered to be the first NFTs. Between 2012 and 2017, there have been a few NFTs projects on top of the Bitcoin blockchain. For example, Counterparty in 2014 [3], Spells of Genesis in 2015 [4], and Rare Pepes in 2016 [5].
In June 2017, an American studio called Larva Labs released CryptoPunks. CryptoPunks is one of the first and most influential NFT projects built on top of the Ethereum blockchain. It was an inspiration for the ERC-721 standard for NFTs and the modern crypto art movement.
1.2. Introduction to Larva Lab¶
Larva Labs is a New York-based two-people team consisting of Matt Hall and John Watkinson. They describe themselves as creative technologists that have worked on almost every kind of software. On this page, you can see their projects organized into 3 categories: Blockchain, Web, and Mobile. For this blog post, we’re interested in their Blockchain projects, starting with the first one: CryptoPunks.
CryptoPunks are 10,000 unique collectible characters released as NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain. Each CryptoPunk has a type and different attributes. The more unique the type and the attributes, the more collectible the corresponding CryptoPunk becomes. The project went live in 2017, with all CryptoPunks freely available for minting to anyone with an Ethereum wallet. It took some time for the project to get momentum, but it became one of the most popular and successful NFTs projects. At the time of this writing, the most expensive CryptoPunk has sold for $11.8 million and the lowest one available for sale is listed at $25,648.45.
CryptoPunks were also the inspiration behind the ERC-721 standard for NFTs. This standard is used now in most NFTs projects and marketplaces.
In April 2019, Larva Lab released its second NFT project: Autoglyphs. Larva Lab describes Autoglyphs as the first “on-chain” generative art on the Ethereum blockchain. To appreciate the value proposition of Autoglyphs, we need to understand what “on-chain” and “off-chain” mean.
“on-chain” vs. “off-chain”¶
An NFT is a representation of an asset on a blockchain. The vast majority of NFTs projects store the actual assets off-chain, meaning outside of the blockchain; and uses URIs to reference the assets in the NFTs that get minted on the blockchain. In other words, an off-chain art NFT means that the blockchain doesn’t store the actual art, but only a reference to the art. By contrast, an on-chain art NFT means that the actual art is stored on the blockchain.
Storing files on a blockchain is very expensive and not practical. Therefore, most of the NFT projects opt for the off-chain option. In the case of Autoglyphs, instead of storing the final images on the blockchain, the Autoglyphs smart contract contains the code for generating the art. Lines 223-292 of this smart contract contains the code for generating the art. Autoglyphs was the first NFT project to use an on-chain approach and therefore earned a reputation in the NFT collectibles ecosystem.
1.3. Overview of the Meebits Project¶
On May 3rd, 2021, Lava Labs released their 3rd NFT project: Meebits. Meebits are 20,000 unique 3D characters registered on the Ethereum blockchain as NFTs. 11,000 Meebits were reserved for CryptoPunks and Autoglyphs owners, and the remaining 9,000 were released in a public sale following a Dutch auction format starting at 2.5 ETH (approx. 8,500 USD).
There were a lot of anticipation for this project because of the reputation that Larva Labs built in the NFT ecosystem and the success of their 2 first projects. The 9,000 Meebits that were in the public sale sold out on the first day with the cheapest one selling for 2.4 ETH (approx. 8,160 USD). Within the first month of the collection release, a few Meebits were sold for more than $1 million.
Similar to CrytoPunks, each Meebit has a type and different attributes. The more unique the type and the attributes, the more collectible the corresponding Meebit could become.
The Owners of Meebits have also access to an additional asset pack that includes a full 3D model that can be used to render and animate Meebits or use them as avatars in the metaverse.
2. Hands-on: Data Mining Meebits Data¶
In this section, we will do some data mining on Meebits transactions data. We will start by collecting the data from OpenSea APIs, then we will perform different types of queries to understand the evolution of Meebits prices and the behavior of some of the buyers and sellers.
2.1. Meebits Data Collection¶
OpenSea provides different APIs for fetching NFTs data. We will be using 2 of them:
We will be using MongoDB to store the data.
2.1.1. MongoDB Setup¶
If you don’t have MongoDB installed, go to this link, and download the version that works with your operating system. Next from a terminal, go to the MongoDB folder and create a folder where Mongo will store data.
sudo mkdir -p ./data/
To start a Mongo server, execute the following command:
sudo ./bin/mongod --dbpath ./data/db
To start a Mongo shell, execute the following command from another terminal.
Next, from a Mongo shell, we create a database and 2 collections for storing Meebits data and Meebits sale transactions.
use meebitsDB
2.1.2. Fetching Data from OpenSea APIs¶
Next, we will use Python to fetch data from 2 OpenSea APIs:
OpenSea Assets API: We will be using this API to retrieve the following data about each Meebit:
- The Meebit's Id.
- The creator's username and address. The creator is the person who minted the Meebit to the blockchain.
- The owner's username and address.
- The Meebit's traits.
- The number of times the Meebit has been sold.
OpenSea Events API: We will be using this API to retrieve the following data about each Meebit’s sale transaction:
- The Meebit's Id.
- The seller's username and address.
- The buyer's username and address.
- The sale's timestamp.
- The sale transaction's hash.
- The price.
- The token used for the sale.
- The price in USD.
- If the sale is a bundle of Meebits.
I prepared 2 python functions parse_meebit_data(meebit_dict)
and parse_sale_data(sale_dict)
for parsing the data that we’ll fetch from the OpenSea APIs.
Next, from a Jupyter notebook, we import the Python libaries that we'll use for the analysis.
%matplotlib inline
from helpers import parse_meebit_data, parse_sale_data
import requests
import pandas as pd
import pymongo
from pymongo import MongoClient
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt'ggplot')
Setting up a MongoDB Connection¶
client = MongoClient()
db = client.meebitsDB
meebits_collection = db.meebitsCollection
sales_collection = db.salesCollection
Getting Meebits Assets Data¶
The source code below collects assets data about the 20,000 Meebits. The API has a limit of 50 items per call, and therefore we need to create a loop with 400 iterations to collect all Meebits data.
url = ""
for i in range(0, 400):
querystring = {"token_ids":list(range((i*50)+1, (i*50)+51)),
response = requests.request("GET", url, params=querystring)
print(i, end=" ")
if response.status_code != 200:
#Getting meebits data
meebits = response.json()['assets']
#Parsing meebits data
parsed_meebits = [parse_meebit_data(meebit) for meebit in meebits]
#storing parsed meebits data into MongoDB
After collecting Meebits data, we need to confirm the total numbers of Meebits sales. To do this, from a Mongo shell, we execute the following command.
use meebitsDB
db.getCollection('meebitsCollection').aggregate([ {
$group: {
_id: null,
total: {
$sum: "$num_sales"
} ] )
At the time of writing, we have 4,644 sales.
Getting Meebits sales transactions data¶
The source code below collects all sale transactions data. The API has a limit of 50 items per call, and therefore we need to create a loop to collect all sale transactions data.
url = ""
for i in range(0, 100):
querystring = {"asset_contract_address":"0x7bd29408f11d2bfc23c34f18275bbf23bb716bc7",
headers = {"Accept": "application/json"}
response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, params=querystring)
print(i, end=" ")
if response.status_code != 200:
#Getting meebits sales data
meebit_sales = response.json()['asset_events']
if meebit_sales == []:
#Parsing meebits sales data
parsed_meebit_sales = [parse_sale_data(sale) for sale in meebit_sales]
#storing parsed meebits data into MongoDB
meebits = meebits_collection.find()
meebits_df = pd.DataFrame(meebits)
meebit_sales = sales_collection.find()
meebit_sales_df = pd.DataFrame(meebit_sales)
print("The database has information about %d Meebits." % len(meebits_df))
print("The database has information about %d Meebits sale transactions." % len(meebit_sales_df))
The database has information about 20000 Meebits. The database has information about 4631 Meebits sale transactions.
2.2.2. Getting Top 10 Meebits Creators¶
creators = []
for creator_address in meebits_df['creator_address'].value_counts().index[:10]:
creator_data = {}
creator_data['creator_address'] = creator_address
creator_data['creator_username'] = meebits_df[meebits_df['creator_address'] == creator_address]['creator_username'].iloc[0]
creator_data['number_meebits'] = len(meebits_df[meebits_df['creator_address'] == creator_address])
creator_address | creator_username | number_meebits | |
0 | 0xa25803ab86a327786bb59395fc0164d826b98298 | Wilcox | 274 |
1 | 0xef764bac8a438e7e498c2e5fccf0f174c3e3f8db | 0xef764bac8a438e7e498c2e5fccf0f174c3e3f8db | 250 |
2 | 0x577ebc5de943e35cdf9ecb5bbe1f7d7cb6c7c647 | MR703 | 249 |
3 | 0x56178626332fc530561535eeaa914b863aa455f2 | None | 219 |
4 | 0xb88f61e6fbda83fbfffabe364112137480398018 | None | 216 |
5 | 0xd387a6e4e84a6c86bd90c158c6028a58cc8ac459 | Pranksy | 201 |
6 | 0xf0d5127f685fe058247e03593d04cc2c4aa061a2 | lip2 | 198 |
7 | 0xc6c7e6b7e463f6b4f5849d0e6ecd95194b8a85ec | None | 198 |
8 | 0xc352b534e8b987e036a93539fd6897f53488e56a | None | 193 |
9 | 0x6611fe71c233e4e7510b2795c242c9a57790b376 | SethS | 181 |
#### Getting total number of Meebit Creators and Owners.
print("There are %d unique Meebit creators." % len(meebits_df['creator_address'].unique()))
print("There are %d unique Meebit owners." % len(meebits_df['owner_address'].unique()))
There are 4271 unique Meebit creators. There are 4689 unique Meebit owners.
2.2.3. Getting Stats about Bundle/Single Sales and Types of Payment¶
False 4618 True 13 Name: is_bundle, dtype: int64
meebit_sales_df[meebit_sales_df['is_bundle'] == False]['payment_token'].value_counts()
ETH 3579 WETH 1037 USDC 2 Name: payment_token, dtype: int64
2.2.4. Filering Sale Transactions and Adding New Features¶
To make the analysis easier, we will only focus on single sales done in ETH or WETH.
meebit_sales_df = meebit_sales_df[(meebit_sales_df['payment_token'] != 'USDC') & (meebit_sales_df['is_bundle'] == False)].copy()
Next, we do some data cleaning and we add a new feature
# Parsing dates
meebit_sales_df['timestamp'] = pd.to_datetime(meebit_sales_df['timestamp'])
# Converting sales price from WEI to ETH
meebit_sales_df['total_price'] = meebit_sales_df['total_price']/10.**18
# Calculating the sale prices in USD
meebit_sales_df['total_price_usd'] = meebit_sales_df['total_price'] * meebit_sales_df['usd_price']
data = meebit_sales_df[['timestamp', 'total_price']].resample('D', on='timestamp').count()['total_price']
ax =, 6))
ax.set_title("Number of Meebits Sales per Day", fontsize=18)
ax.set_ylabel("Number of Meebits Sales", fontsize=18)
plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_formatter(plt.FixedFormatter(data.index.to_series().dt.strftime("%d %b %Y")))
for i in ax.patches:
# get_x pulls left or right; get_height pushes up or down
ax.text(i.get_x(), i.get_height()+40, \
str(round((i.get_height()), 2)), fontsize=11, color='dimgrey',
Total Sales per Day in ETH¶
data = meebit_sales_df[['timestamp', 'total_price']].resample('D', on='timestamp').sum()['total_price']
ax = data.plot(figsize=(18,6), color="red", linewidth=1, marker='o', markerfacecolor='grey', markeredgewidth=0)
ax.set_title("Timeline of Total Meebit Sales in ETH", fontsize=18)
ax.set_ylabel("Sales in ETH", fontsize=18);
dates = list(data.index)
values = list(data.values)
for i, j in zip(dates, values):
ax.annotate(s="{:.0f}".format(j), xy=(i, j+200), rotation=45)
Total Sales per day in USD¶
data = meebit_sales_df[['timestamp', 'total_price_usd']].resample('D', on='timestamp').sum()['total_price_usd']
ax = data.plot(figsize=(18,6), color="red", linewidth=1, marker='o', markerfacecolor='grey', markeredgewidth=0)
ax.set_title("Timeline of Total Meebit Sales in Million USD", fontsize=18)
ax.set_ylabel("Sales in Million USD", fontsize=18);
dates = list(data.index)
values = list(data.values)
for i, j in zip(dates, values):
ax.annotate(s="{:.2f}".format(j/10.**6), xy=(i, j), rotation=45)
2.2.6. Meebits Prices Timelines¶
Average Meebit Price per Day in ETH¶
data = meebit_sales_df[['timestamp', 'total_price']].resample('D', on='timestamp').mean()['total_price']
ax = data.plot(figsize=(18,6), color="green", linewidth=1, marker='o', markerfacecolor='grey', markeredgewidth=0)
ax.set_title("Timeline of Average Meebit Price in ETH", fontsize=18)
ax.set_ylabel("Average Price in ETH", fontsize=18);
#ax.annotate(s='sdsdsds', xy=(1, 1))
dates = list(data.index)
values = list(data.values)
for i, j in zip(dates, values):
ax.annotate(s="{:.2f}".format(j), xy=(i, j+.2), rotation=45)
Floor Meebit Price per Day in ETH¶
data = meebit_sales_df[['timestamp', 'total_price']].resample('D', on='timestamp').min()['total_price']
ax = data.plot(figsize=(18,6), color="orange", linewidth=1, marker='o', markerfacecolor='grey', markeredgewidth=0)
ax.set_title("Timeline of Floor Meebit Price in ETH", fontsize=18)
ax.set_ylabel("Floor Price in ETH", fontsize=18);
dates = list(data.index)
values = list(data.values)
for d, v in zip(dates, values):
ax.annotate(s="{:.2f}".format(v), xy=(d, v), rotation=45)